Great for your energy savings.
The central element of any residential or commercial hot water heating system. The boiler supplies both heated floors and instantaneous indirect water heaters.
A full range of instantaneous indirect water heaters so that you can benefit from the most economical energy source. These systems are the optimal way to meet domestic hot water demand.
The best of both worlds. The principle of instantaneous indirect water heaters combined with integrated boilers. Ideal for small spaces.
A combination without compromise
The ultimate combination
Buffer tanks optimize the performance of several types of applications: boiler, biomass, geothermal, heat pump, solar energy systems.
residential and/or commercial
Optimize any type of hydronic system
The hydronic air handler efficiently heats and cools small and large spaces.
residential and/or commercial
Gentle and comfortable precision
For more than 40 years, Thermo 2000 has designed and developed products that have become real classics. Access the detailed spec sheets of these products.
See our previous models