February 27, 2024
Dual-energy :
Choose versatility
Compatible with dual-energy systems, Thermo 2000 electric boilers and indirect water heaters give you the flexibility to use the right energy, at the right cost, at the right time. This type of solution helps not only to save costs but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions).

What is a dual-energy system?
When it comes to heating your home, you have several options. The first and most common in North America is electricity. But depending on the region where you live, some people prefer oil, natural gas, propane or wood as the energy source for heating their living spaces.
Dual energy means using electricity as the main energy source, in a proportion of around 70%, while also having recourse to a second auxiliary energy source, usually natural gas. For example, you can access electricity and natural gas. The ingenious thing about this approach is that you can choose the most beneficial source of energy when you need it.
Energy security and flexibility
Having access to two sources of energy offers considerable peace of mind. For example, if there’s a power failure, we can use natural gas until the power comes back on, keeping us warm.
The flexibility of dual-energy systems also means lower costs. If the cost of electricity rises, you can switch to another, more affordable energy source without having to change your heating equipment.
A solution for reducing GHG emissions
A dual-energy system is also a great option in the fight against climate change. Many consumers are looking to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels for heating. By combining natural gas with electricity, for example, they can enjoy the flexibility and security they want—all while reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.
To become more carbon neutral, some municipalities are aiming for a considerable reduction in GHG emissions linked to heating residential, commercial and institutional buildings. There’s every reason to believe that this trend will gain momentum over the next few years. Dual-energy systems are an ideal solution for facilitating the energy transition and meeting the new regulatory requirements looming on the horizon.
Would you like to use a dual-energy system? We can help!
Thermo 2000 solutions are compatible with dual-energy systems, making them easy to integrate. All our heating equipment feature controllers that allow you to connect electrically powered appliances with natural gas appliances. Enjoy constant comfort and peace of mind all year round.